by Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez
Machines continue churning
machines continue churning
-pictures of them wheeling
tchotchkes from infinity
fill the power lines
and almost in reverse
the human alka-seltzer
we evaporate
-reconstitute unto
a blogosphere
of many spheres
many hemispheres
spheres within spheres
spheres with googling
Warm, sweet days
-such a warm, sweet
and windy day
you’d never think
confused, aggressive
men tailor suit
conflagrant lies
to make themselves
a dough made
from as warm
and sweet a root,
a balsamic reduction
of rubber plant resin
given a petrol sheen
and worn in a form
typically suited
for power.
-All credit due them
they know to fit
leadership in pictures.
Out there they trample
everything in dying
to unknow themselves,
while the knowing
watch a fleet of
bound for oblivion
over and over
on warm sweet
days such
as this,
carrying hope
on Di Caprio bows
-twisted truths
smoldering in their
boiler rooms on warm,
sweet days, such as this.
out there
centaurs patrol
to fill their quotas
doling out fairness
in disproportionate
out there cyclops
sit in wait like tigers
in the grass for a chance
to gnaw an arbitrary point
on your mortal body
such is this
our greek myth
their right to fill
the coliseum
with fresh
Poetry in a bag
I don’t know what to say
that isn’t said daily
I write poetry to cope
I write poetry in an America
where poetry has gone hiding
I drink poetry out of a bag
and wait out my life until
my blood is incoming
drip by drip from a bag
constructed from various
barrels of crude oil
stretched thin across
a membrane
Tomi Lahren defends
the membrane
formed from the sadness
Tomi Lahren made her way
into my poem tonight
not for her pornographic
Tomi Lahren lives in Dallas
there they make things
from the crude
her blonde hair
tested in a wind tunnel
from reasoning to reasoning
somehow this country
is genocide’s gift to her
despite all gifts sent
-stolen poetry
delivered in bags
Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez was born in Havana, Cuba in 1983. He holds his BFA and Master of Arts in Digital Arts degrees from the Maryland Institute College of Art (Baltimore, MD), and is a writer of poetry.